E3 2013 - Top Ten Stage Demos
With all but Nintendo's media briefings finished, we rank the top ten stage demos shown during Microsoft's, EA's, Ubisoft's and Sony's press conferences. Read on...
11th June 2013 - 17:00 |
by Andrew Shawley
The Last of Us - Review
From the critically acclaimed studio that brought gamers such hits as Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter and of course the Uncharted series, comes a post-pandemic journey across the USA named The Last of Us. Read on...
20th June 2013 - 18:30 |
by Andrew Shawley
Beyond: Two Souls Review
Beyond: Two Souls is the latest offering from David Cage and his studio, Quantic Dream. Beyond follows the story of Jodie Holmes through fifteen years of her extraordinary life. Beyond is a fascinating and emotional yet flawed game, which takes you, as the player, on a journey you will not forget in a hurry. Read on...
16th October 2013 - 15:00 |
by Andrew Shawley
Mass Effect 3 Review
Following on from the acclaimed, popular and frankly stonking Mass Effect 1 and 2 games, Mass Effect 3 is easily the most anticipated game of 2012. Since it's the last game of the planned ME trilogy, Bioware have a lot of expectation to live up to- so I'll be looking at how much of that expectation they've managed to live up to. Read on...
3rd June 2013 - 17:30 |
by Sam Robinson
Top Five PS3 Exclusives
Leading up, not only to the Last of Us, but also the Playstation 4, we have comprised a top five of Playstation 3 exclusives to say goodbye to in the coming years, with the next generation hitting us head on later this year. Read on...
4th June 2013 - 17:30 |
by Andrew Shawley
E3 2013 - Top Five Expectations
With E3 coming up very shortly indeed, our minds are filled with what could be coming up and what is in the future for the gaming world. Here's what we are anticipating the most in this year's E3 conference: Read on...
9th June 2013 - 21:15 |
by Sam Robinson