Top Five - Teen Films 2004-2014
Over the course of the decade there have been some fantastic motion pictures aimed towards the teen/adult market. These films have not only resonated with their target audience but some have been critically acknowledged too, proving that teen films should not be sniffed at. Read on...
Top Five - Pixar Films
Everyone loves Pixar, and doubtless they've produced some cracking films in their time. There's definitely a great selection of Pixar films to choose from, all with a lot of character and charm, but like most things, some of them are better than others. Read on...
Skyfall Review
The 23rd Bond film, commemorating the series' 50th anniversary, definitely had the weight of cinema history on its shoulders in the form of its 22 predecessors. It also had quite a difficult job to do, needing to retain some Bond tradition with respectful nods to the past while also managing to captivate the modern audience. Read on...
Top Ten Summer Blockbusters
In the wake of such blockbusters as "World War Z" and "Man of Steel" hitting our cinema screens in the coming weeks we've compiled a comprehensive list of the Top Ten Summer Blockbusters. Read on...


Top Ten Summer Blockbusters
In the wake of such blockbusters as "World War Z" and "Man of Steel" hitting our cinema screens in the coming weeks we've compiled a comprehensive list of the Top Ten Summer Blockbusters. Read on...
Alien At 35
This year the vastly influential sci-fi horror Alien turns 35, and to mark the anniversary we're going to delve into what makes Alien such an innovative film with such a lasting legacy and why it deserves its esteemed place in cinema history. Read on...
Top Five - Teen Films 2004-2014
Over the course of the decade there have been some fantastic motion pictures aimed towards the teen/adult market. These films have not only resonated with their target audience but some have been critically acknowledged too, proving that teen films should not be sniffed at. Read on...
Skyfall Review
The 23rd Bond film, commemorating the series' 50th anniversary, definitely had the weight of cinema history on its shoulders in the form of its 22 predecessors. It also had quite a difficult job to do, needing to retain some Bond tradition with respectful nods to the past while also managing to captivate the modern audience. Read on...
Top Five - Pixar Films
Everyone loves Pixar, and doubtless they've produced some cracking films in their time. There's definitely a great selection of Pixar films to choose from, all with a lot of character and charm, but like most things, some of them are better than others. Read on...